New iPhone? And what do we do with the old man? Here, some tips

An iPhone holds two iPhone 6s. Enlarge picture
An iPhone holds two iPhone 6. 

The expected keynote of Apple passed like a whirlwind and after the habitual discussions between friends and in the network on if one was expected more or on whether the new iPhone are wonderful or not ... many devotees of the new product will have to get rid of the current iPhone. A priori, the most obvious output is to sell it in Wallapop or similar apps , but there are many more options that are not always taken into account. Here are some suggestions.

Sell ​​it

It is the first that can come to mind and with a good motivation since the iPhone is the mobile with the highest level of resale in the market and always have very good output in the second hand. Apart from the image or iconic value of the product, Apple intends that most of its equipment can be upgraded to the latest version of the platform, with the same hardware the user maintains a current terminal In this sense, one will not have excessive problems in selling his old iPhone if kept in acceptable conditions.

Use it as a remote control ...

The staunch fan of Apple has very high chances of acquiring any other product of the ecosystem, and in fact, this is the Machiavellian plan of the Cupertino, not only to catch its users in a comfortable and efficient network, but also to offer a high added value to the user. In this regard, for example, in Wired suggest using the old iPhone as a remote control of the Apple TV, another product with which the mobile lives alongside. Yes, the iPhone has specific app with which to manage the multimedia player of the house, taking advantage of the comfort of the personal assistant by voice Siri and many other features. Everything is possible, and an old iPhone can end up as a remote controlhi tech instead of being recycled.

... or as a console

De iMore also rescued this interesting alternative: the old iPhone can charge a new life as a dream console for the smallest of the house. The App Store is full of video games that offer hours of entertainment (and many of them are didactic) and for a very cheap price or directly free. Is not it dangerous to leave a cell phone to a child, say, 5 years? Yes, but precisely the terminal offers all kinds of options to block, with password, the accesses and applications that we indicate, and turn it into just a console, and also a way to connect through video call with FaceTime.

Give it to a relative

Another strategy that Apple uses to cajole users is to make everything work at the first, without palliatives and with a possibility of minimal error. This makes the possibilities for the mobile to expand their networks in the family are very high, and there are several applications and services that the manufacturer has prepared to encourage this custom. Messages is one of them, a simple messaging app that, although Apple refuses to offer figures, it is clear that it has a warm welcome among users. The tie is also tight with Apple Music, a spotify of the house that has a family price and a very attractive catalog; and simple apps like Friends , an appvery simple way in which all parents - for example - know the location of their children and receive alerts when they get home. Actually, applications do not offer anything new, but their integration into the ecosystem is so good that they invite the user to add elements. The old iPhone can thus end up in the hands of one of our relatives.

Keep it as a replacement

Accidents, unfortunately, happen: the cell phone falls to the toilet, down stairs or we can steal it. To remain without mobile is not a task, but a drama in this hyperconnected epoch that has touched us to live; but for a user of an iPhone having to resort to another type of device, even temporarily, can charge dramatic dyes. We do not refer to the fanboy part of the issue, but to the links created with the applications and services that the manufacturer offers. An old iPhone in the drawer can always get us out of trouble until the new one arrives.


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