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Europe investigates fraud in fish labeling

Canned goods have more labeling problem because the whole piece is not seen.  LALO R. VILLAR Cheap fish labeled as if it were a more expensive species.  It is the fraud that attempts to tackle the EU-financed Labelfish program, in which Spain participates through the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).  After analyzing the DNA of 300 products made with tuna, anchovy or cod marketed in Madrid, Bilbao, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela, the Spanish team has reached a first conclusion: fraud occurs in all species, although in different percentages: 25% in the case of processed frozen or fresh tuna fish (including all those offered in fishmongers without the complete fish being seen);  11.3% in canned tuna;  12.2% in semi-preserved anchovies, and 6.5% in dry salted cod. "That a product is not of the species that marks the label does not mean that it is of lower quality or bad for health.  But it is a deception to the consumer, sometimes involuntary and sometimes delib

Europe warns of fraud with tuna adulterated in Spain after hundreds of poisonings

Cutting of a tuna in the fish market 'The Lord Martin' of the market of Chamberí, in Madrid.  SEBASTIAN MARTÍN |  EPV-GETTY The European Union has called on Spain to take urgent action against food fraud with adulterated tuna that could have intoxicated hundreds of people in several EU countries. The origin of the crisis is in thawed tuna loins sold as fresh that have not been preserved as required by law and injected extracts of beets or other vegetables.  These additives contain nitrites that change the color of fish from brown to deep red and make it appear fresher than it is. The fraud is centered on a fish increasingly demanded to make  sushi  and other dishes and would be sold in fishmongers or packaged in supermarkets at cheaper prices than the prohibitive bluefin tuna (  Thunnus thynnus  ).  The detected deception would affect some 25,000 tonnes of tuna each year and would bring a profit of 200 million euros, as calculated by the European Commission in docu

A tree older than the pyramids of Egypt

Pando, the clonal colony that has emerged from a single tree of the species Populus tremuloides in Fish Lake, Utah, USA.  J ZAPELL / USDA In 1964, a geologist named  Donald Currey discovered the oldest tree on Earth after killing him  .  Currey was at Peak Wheeler (Nevada) to develop a glacial timeline of the area and, for that, he dedicated himself to count the rings of  Pinus longaeva  , the long-lived pine.  In his study he used a kind of perforator to draw samples from the logs, but in one of them - labeled WPN-114, nicknamed Prometheus - he got stuck.  Currey advised the Forest Service, who cut down the titanic tree to retrieve the device.  When the scientist began counting the rings he realized the mistake he had made.  In an article for the magazine  Ecology wrote: "It can tentatively be concluded that WPN-114 began to grow about 4,900 years ago."  Currey, without knowing it, had killed a tree of 4,844 years.  The oldest tree dated up to that time. The dea

New iPhone? And what do we do with the old man? Here, some tips

Enlarge picture An iPhone holds two iPhone 6.  REUTERS The expected  keynote  of Apple  passed  like a whirlwind and after the habitual discussions between friends and in the network on if one was expected more or on whether the new iPhone are wonderful or not ... many devotees of the new product will have to get rid of the current iPhone.  A priori, the most obvious output is to sell it in Wallapop or  similar  apps  , but there are many more options that are not always taken into account.  Here are some suggestions. Sell ​​it It is the first that can come to mind and with a good motivation since the iPhone is the mobile with the  highest level of resale in  the market and always have very good output in the second hand.  Apart from the image or iconic value of the product, Apple intends that most of its equipment can be upgraded to the latest version of the platform, with the same  hardware  the user maintains a  current  terminal  .  In this sense, one will not have excess

Site de recensement référendaire enregistré via la société co-fondatrice de Pirate Bay

Le site web de Njalla. Jeudi,  le Premier ministre catalan, Carles Puigdemont, a déclaré qu'il avait des "plans d'urgence  " pour compenser le fait qu'un grand renvoi de la Garde civile contre les principaux bureaux du gouvernement a effectivement réduit la logistique d'un vote qui viole les lois constitutionnelles espagnoles et que la Cour constitutionnelle a suspendu. Si vous exécutez un site arrêté par les autorités, contactez moi pour l'hébergement anonyme PROPRIÉTAIRE DU SERVICE NJALLA, PETER SUNDE Dans le cadre de ces plans, Puigdemont, de la coalition séparatiste Junts Pel Si (Together for Yes), a tweeté un lien pour un site internet contenant le bulletin électoral et une liste des bureaux de scrutin pour le référendum.  Le site Web du nom de domaine,  onvotar.garantiespelreferendum.com  (ou, wheretovote.guaranteesforthereferendum.com), a été enregistré via une société appelée Njalla, située physiquement sur l'île de Nevis, d

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